Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hickory Wind

After 3 weeks of easy shifts at the plant in Dutch Harbor. Saltwater Inc. flew me into Kodiak for a quick trip on the Hickory wind. They told me it would be for a day, but that sounded suspicious. I was aboard for 2 days, still the shortest trip I have been on.

Picture: Sablefish (or Black Cod) are a high dollar fish. At the time it was selling for about 5 bucks a pound. And each one weighs about 4 to 5 pounds. The orange fish are Short Spined Thornyheads (or Idiot fish). Despite the name the spines are long enough to poke through gloves. This one was probalby forced in the the mouth of the sable fish when they were mashed together in the net.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hiking in Dutch

working at the Plant in Dutch Harbor is wonderful, mostly because of the hiking opprotunities. I managed to get out a few times to enjoy the summer weather and the tundra around the town.
Pictures: Taken from the valley south of Captains bay, on the way to an unnamed peak, point 2699 ft on the USGS map.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July

I got assigned to a plant for a few weeks so I was around Dutch Harbor for the fourth of July. The fireworks started at 11:59 PM on the 4th; it was almost dark. The low clouds absorbed most of the fireworks but there were a few low ones that we got to see. The Russian Orthodox church is in the forground of the picture.