Thursday, January 18, 2007


I arrived in Seattle on January 6th, for a briefing on changes to the regulations and data collection in the Alaska fisheries. First Kristie Dokes picked me up from the air port and I spent the day Sunday with her and in the afternoon we met Cathy Harmon. Both Kristie and Cathy are good friends of mine from the Peace Corps.
The four days of the briefing were not too bad, although a bit boring at times. I was dissapointed that we did not get to do the cold water training in lake washington this year. It was the highlight of last years training to get in to the big red dry suits and float around and practice climbing into life rafts. Instead the time slot was used to learn how to fill out a new form and to assign personal locator beacons to all observers. It was good to see a few observers that I knew from last year and there were some more good people that I met this year, and with any luck I will run into them from time to time if we are in port at the same time.
The people I did not expect to see were Lydia and Emily, I got in touch with them after I got a random email from another highschool friend. It was really coincedental that I got that email when I happened to be in Seattle and could do something with the information. It was good to get back in touch with people I havn't seen or heard from in about 9 years.