Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wyoming Tourist Trap

The Bait for this trap was several nice campsites that could clearly be seen down a dirt road. Of course the best ones were way down at the bottom. The road didn't seem too bad, it was a two track, but the tracks were fairly even with a few small rocks in them. We started down the hill and realised that it was steeper than it looked. When we got to the bottom Juliette thought we should try going up the hill to make sure we could get out again. On the first attempt I got about two thirds of the way up the hill before I started smoking the tires. I started to back down, but hung up almost immediately. I assumed it was a rock, but when Juliette got out and looked she came back with a horrified look on her face. The muffler had hung up and crumpled under the tire. I could not back down because the muffler was wedged under the tire and I could not go up because the hill was too steep. I put rocks under all of the the other tires so that the car would not move while I worked on the muffler. I then jacked up that corner of the car to take the pressure off the muffler and eventually dislodged it. Then I could back down the hill and take another run. Using the Cameroonian theory that the solution to all automotive hang ups is to "put more fire" I floored it and the car went bouncing up the hill.
Pictures: First- dislodging the muffler (Tip for the photographer: next time rotate the camera a little to the right, not only would this make the hill look steeper, it would keep the trees pointing straight up) Second - Juliette, happy to be in her new tent, at the first campsite nearest the main road.