Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fishing grounds

The Intrepid started the year fishing Rock Sole near the Alaska Peninsula, then fished some yellowfin sole and cod in the same area. The rock sole is pretty good eating especially the females which have large orange roe sacks.
When that season closed we headed out west looking for cod. You have to be in the right place at the right time to catch cod. They are few and far between until they spawn and then they form tight balls that can fill a net in a matter of minutes. It takes longer to fill the boat with cod but the price per pound more than makes up for the time lost by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
When the Cod season closes the next big thing is Yellowfin, however there was some cold weather and a lot of ice was forming in the yellowfin grounds. So the Intrepid headed to the gulf to look for Arrowtooth flounder and Rex sole. That was a bust, so after spending a day to get to the gulf. A day spent fishing with out catching much, and another day heading back north we found our selves up in the icy yellow fin grounds.The last trip that I made with the Intrepid was for flathead sole south and east of the Pribilof Islands.
Fish: The cod are red because they bleed; the arrow is for arrowtooth flounder; the orange is reminiscent of the roe in a rock sole; green spot is for flat head sole; and the yellowfin sole is, logically, yellow