Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Few Extra Hours

While the boat is off loading to the tramper in the harbor I am stuck with nothing to do. The crew is keeping busy moving blocks of frozen fish, but I can't do anything but stare longingly at town which is only a few hundred meters away. I was in my rack half asleep today waiting for the rumble of engines to start and let me know that we were on the way to the dock when I heard some one in the hallway say "and tell Arlen that his ride is here." I got up and changed from my sweats to some town clothes and grabbed my laptop. Up in the wheel house I found that some of the crew is changing out this trip and several had flights to Anchorage that they would have missed if they waited for the off load to finish. They had called the tug boat to come out and pick them up.

Looking over the gunwales of the Intrepid down at the Saratoga is like looking down out of a second story window.

First we crossed over to the tramper on top of a load of fish; climbing up the webbing while the crane lifted us across the gap. On the other side of the tramper there was a ladder going down. The Saratoga nosed right up to big blue wall of the tramper and we climbed down and hopped on the bow. With my laptop in hand and my camera in my pocket I was a bit concerned but managed to make it safely.

The tug took us for the short ride to the dock where we had to climb back up, but that was not nearly as bad because the ladder was fixed. In the end I gained about 3 extra hours in town.