Monday, February 12, 2007


The first several days it was cold out side. When I went up on deck to measure the codend of the net my ears would start stinging and I would have to bounce up and down on my toes to keep from shivering. But after we had our first good storm the temperatures raised enough that I am quite comfortable standing on deck in sweats and raingear. Fortunately I can stand out of the wind most of the time.
By far the worst cold that I have experienced was the one that started in the back of my throat and moved up into the back of my nose. Working through my sample of fish in the factory under the deck I keep my raingear and rubber gloves on so I don’t get covered in fish slime. Having runny nose is very annoying because there is no friendly bit of fabric to wipe my nose. I have to choose between letting the snot trail in strings off my moustache or rubbing my nose with fish slime coated rubber gloves.