Saturday, April 07, 2007


With the 90 day mark approaching it was time to get off the boat.
The Intrepid was fishing well north of Dutch Harbor so it was more convenient to off load the product to a tramper in St. Paul. The only information I had from the office was that a new observer was getting on and I would get off the boat and fly to Anchorage, but there was a slight problem with my ticket.
The harbor had just recently been dredged, so in theory, a large boat like the Intrepid could have gotten to the dock, but there is a tight squeeze past a jetty, and it made more sense to use the skiff. The skiff was craned over the side of the boat with all of the luggage loaded and one man to pilot it. He started it up and took it around to the stern ramp, where the fish are normally dragged up on deck. Then the four of us that needed to get to town walked down the progressively steeper ramp holding a rope to keep from sliding into the Bering Sea. There were some swells so we puttered along slowly to avoid splashing as the bow came over the waves. We headed around the cliffs to the dock. A local guy with an SUV who filled the role of taxi took us to the airport.