Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rialto Beach

Jess came into the Saltwater appartment and was really looking forward to going camping after she got off the boat. So we set out for the Olympic Penninsula, this time we headed for Rialto beach. Melanie also came along.
Camp was in the rainforest about 2 miles from the coast but it was a nice walk down to the beach. The beach was not very sandy, the waves washed up against cobble stones and had left enormous logs of drift wood stranded high on the beach. Walking up the beach for a couple of miles brought us too hole in the wall, which was a natural arch through a headland. There were lots of tide pools around and plenty to keep 3 biologists busy.
We also took a short loop around James Pond which also had a myriad of aquatic creatures to examine.
Pictures: First- Jess and Melanie examining the muscles and barnacles on the rock. Second- Jess and I trying to cook rice and beans while waiting for the ferry.