Friday, May 04, 2007

10 Waterfalls in 8 Miles

After a final day rock climing, I finally got out of the company appartment in Seattle. I spent a couple of days staying with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Faye in Bellingham. While I was there I got to see my sister Andrea and my cousin's family. Then I headed south.

That night I pulled into Silverfalls State Park in Oregon. It was late and there was no one at the gate so I just pulled in and parked in a camp site. For the first time I folded down the seats in the back of my car and spread out my blankets. I slept pretty well, if I lay at a slight angle I can stretch out flat with out bumping my head or feet. It rained over night but that didn't disturb me in my car.

In the morning I got up and moved to the picnic area and trail head. The most popular trail is an eight mile loop that takes one past 10 water falls. The weather was kind of grey but I put on my new shoes and carried my rain jacket along. There were 10 very nice waterfalls along the trail but the thing that really fascinated me was a dead beaver laying right in the middle of the trail. Apparently he had fallen from a cliff above the trail, but he was in good condition.

It didn't rain and I even saw the sun now and again as I walked along. The trail was like a side walk. Even though there was rain the privious night and every thing was wet my shoes came out looking like new. That was kind of dissappointing.
Pictures: 1- The tail of a dead beaver. 2- Lower north falls, seen through moss covered trees. 3- Middle North Falls, I walked the path that leads behind this fall to get this picture from the far side.