Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kristina Lena

When I got to Saltlake City I stayed for a few days with Christina Udy, a friend from Peace Corps. We went for a hike one day, then we went to dinner with her family. She has some boisterous siblings. One is a very commited mormon and her children wear collared shirts and have neatly combed hair, another lets his kids go to bed any time they want, he tries to give candy and soda to his nephews and nieces that are prohibited these things by their faith.
Since I was in Saltlake I thought I would be remiss if I didn't go to the Mormon Temple. According to Mormon tradition young people are expected to spend two years as missionaries. Many of the young men are sent abroad, however some conservatism keeps them from sending out their young women so freely. Women are more likely to spend their missionary years working closer to home. Some few of them get to work as guides around the temple. I think that the mormons must choose only the most attractive young women for this duty, to tempt any men who might visit the temple to convert to Mormonism. Unfortunately for them, I was visiting the temple with an attractive young woman who was not inclined to have me converted.
Picture: Kristina Lena looking up at Jesus. We sat on padded benches regarding the statue for a while. A tour group came through and the guide pressed a button promting the deep resonating voice of God to speak about the creation of the cosmos.