Friday, May 25, 2007

Driving Across Nevada

High way 6 across Nevada was not as boring as I expected it to be. Nevada has a number of mountain ranges running north and south and as I headed east across the state I got to cross them. Coming out of the moutains in California I could see the next range a head with a broad flat vally between. After driving straight across the plain I wound my way up and over the next pass. As I came over each range I could see the road stretching straight to the next range; no trees or buildings to block the view. The longest straight away was 26 miles.
I stopped at the Lunar Crater, which was about 10 miles down a gravel road. The Crater is actually volcanic in origen but seems out of place in a mostly flat landscape. It has an uncanny resemblance to the female lake mount Manangouba. Exept that there was no greenery and there was sand instead of a lake in the bottom.