Saturday, May 05, 2007


I drove down I-5 in Oregon and branched on highway 199 to California. 199 is very nice winding among giant trees and then coming out along the coast with views of the ocean. At Crescent city I turned on 101 which continues through the Redwoods state and national parks, however there is more of the tourist quitch along the roads and the roads were a bit busier.
I took a secenic by way down a gravel road along the coast and pulled over in a turn out. I put the seats down in the back and spread my blankets out and spent the night there.
In the morning I pulled over after seeing a sign for a trail head. I took a 3 mile loop through the trees. Three miles was a bit much, once you've seen one . . . Picture: Me in front of a pretty big tree. This one was bigger than average but not exceptional among the trees in the forest.