Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

I showed up in San Francisco on May 5. After Coming across the Golden Gate bridge I followed the directions Monica had given me through town and over the hill. The cross streets on the steepest hills have stop signs, which means I had plenty of opprotunities to test my skills with the stick shift.

I found Monica standing on a street corner and she quickly hopped into the front seat with all of the junk that should have been in the back but had migrated forward after I used it. She took me around several blocks looking for parking. We found a spot and fortunately it was the weekend so I could just leave my car there.

We started the party with margaritas at Monica's appartment. We had to mix them strong because the store was out of margarita mix. We headed out to the bar and I got to see Susan for a little while. The Corronas came with festive little ponchos draped over their necks.

The 6th Monica and I hung out at the park with her Cousin, went on a cable car ride and went shopping at Macy's. We cooked some fish and vegetables and made a nice dinner.
Picture: Waiting for the trolly. The guy operating it had to pull levers that moved huge gears to change the car from one under ground cable to the next.